

Irfan Mughal formed this team in February 2005 after deciding to  leave Speedy Jets and challenging them that he will create his own recognised and reputable volleyball team. Joined by his dad Mohammed Aslam Mughal they searched for a hall for a month or so before finally finding a practice ground at Leyton Youth Club. Also supporting this effort were his two brothers Farhan Mughal and Mohsin Mughal.

The next step was to invite players from leyton and walthamstow to come and join the team. With Allah’s Grace we had a tremendous response from players and in a month or so managed to recruit 22 players. Then came the real question are we going to practice seriously in order to play tournaments, and the answer was YES. All the members decided they wanted to play a good standard of Volleyball and seriously began practicing among each others and also playing matches with other teams.

After 6 Months the opportunity came to enter the first tournament organized by Birmingham Stars Volleyball club to be held in Birmingham. Well the boys were prepared at this point and ready for their first battle. The Captain Irfan Mughal entered the team into the tournament.

All the players showed true character and SuperStars won their First ever Tournament after just 6 months of playing together. Everyone portrayed unity in the team which was a key to success.

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